You can have a dominant eye, just like your hands, and you may not even know it. This eye provides more data to your brain’s visual center and the information [...]
eye health
A regular eye exam with your optometrist is needed to help detect early signs of eye problems and even update your prescription. However, eye exams do not happen frequently. For healthy young [...]
The reason you’re tearing up may be as simple as a foreign particle getting stuck in your eye. When a speck of dirt, dust or an eyelash touches your eye, [...]
Spinach, watercress and other green vegetables are not only beneficial to overall health--they offer particular benefits to your eyes. Vienna Eyecare Center, the area’s leading optometrist, expounds on how greens [...]
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reported that workplace eye injuries have an estimated cost of $300 million per year in lost productivity, medical treatments and worker compensation. Many [...]