Your vision changes a lot through your lifetime. It isn't uncommon for older adults to find reading small text or seeing things up-close difficult. If you are experiencing these things, [...]
eye exams
Your vision naturally changes as you age. Eventually, your optometrist will recommend wearing reading glasses or bifocals. Individuals over 40 years old usually benefit from progressive lenses. (more…) [...]
Eye discharge refers to the buildup of mucus, oil and skin cells that settles in the corner of your eye while you sleep. Some people also call it eye booger, [...]
People with higher prescriptions for eyeglasses can benefit from high-index lenses. If you do not prefer to wear glasses with thick lenses, this option is ideal for you. They are not only [...]
You can have a dominant eye, just like your hands, and you may not even know it. This eye provides more data to your brain’s visual center and the information [...]