eye exams

Do I Need Reading Glasses?

Your vision changes a lot through your lifetime. It isn't uncommon for older adults to find reading small text or…

2 years ago

Pros and Cons of Progressive (Multifocal) Lenses

Your vision naturally changes as you age. Eventually, your optometrist will recommend wearing reading glasses or bifocals. Individuals over 40 years old…

2 years ago

Eye Discharge: Should You Be Worried About It?

Eye discharge refers to the buildup of mucus, oil and skin cells that settles in the corner of your eye…

4 years ago

How Do High-Index Lenses Differ From Usual Eyeglass Lenses?

People with higher prescriptions for eyeglasses can benefit from high-index lenses. If you do not prefer to wear glasses with thick lenses,…

4 years ago

What Does Ocular Dominance Mean and Why Does It Matter?

You can have a dominant eye, just like your hands, and you may not even know it. This eye provides…

4 years ago