Did you know that insulin plays a role in tear production? That's why having diabetes increases your risk of dry eyes. Poor metabolic control, neuropathy and advanced retinopathy are also [...]
eye exam
Dilated eye exams allow your optometrist to detect possible vision problems and eye complications in their earliest stages, paving the way for more effective treatment. In this post, we walk [...]
Did you know that over 95% of people who undergo LASIK surgery are happy with the outcome? This is based on a report by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [...]
The eyes are very important in learning since approximately 80% of information is perceived by children through the visual pathways. If there is any problem with a child's vision, they [...]
Some people wear eyeglasses for “refractive errors”, while others wear contact lenses. There are also many who wear both glasses and contacts. There are different types of glasses, and there are different [...]