Some people wear eyeglasses for “refractive errors”, while others wear contact lenses. There are also many who wear both glasses and contacts. There are different types of glasses, and there are different [...]
eye exam
Blocked tear ducts can cause a number of problems for you. This condition typically prevents your tears from draining normally, leaving you with watery or irritated eyes. In some cases, [...]
When you start wearing new prescription eyeglasses, you instantly get much clearer vision. As your eyes adjust to the vision correction, though, your glasses can also create a sort of [...]
It’s important to consult with an eye doctor if you notice any changes in your vision. This could range from simple blurry spots that weren’t there before, to major changes in your [...]
Contact lenses are among the safest and most popular forms of corrective eyewear. However, some patients occasionally experience discomfort from their contact lenses. You should always be comfortable while wearing [...]