Hyperopia or farsightedness is a common refractive error that afflicts around 10% of the total American population. People with this condition can see things clearly from afar, especially when driving. [...]
eye doctor
Leading a healthy lifestyle allows your body to become stronger and builds up your natural immunity. Aside from having a regular exercise routine, it’s also important to intake proper foods [...]
Drinking alcohol may often give you some temporary side effects such as blurry vision and dizziness, but it’s usually temporary so you’ll get better after resting properly. But if you [...]
Regardless of how we’re taught in school or where we live, we always tend to favor one part of the body over the other. This dominance is most recognizable with [...]
Eye discharge refers to the buildup of mucus, oil and skin cells that settles in the corner of your eye while you sleep. Some people also call it eye booger, [...]