Dry eyes are more than just an annoying discomfort—it can raise questions about its impact on long-term vision. Read on as Vienna Eyecare Center dives into whether dry eye syndrome [...]
dry eyes
Have you ever woken up with eyes that feel as arid as a desert? Or did you blink rapidly during a crucial meeting because your eyes wouldn't stop stinging and [...]
Digital devices have become a part of our day-to-day activities. Whether it's for work, school or leisure, screens — and their effects on the eyes — are becoming harder to [...]
Contact lenses are a convenient alternative to eyeglasses, which some people consider cumbersome. However, some people complain that their eyes feel dry after extended use of contact lenses. In today’s post, [...]
Staring at a computer in an airconditioned office for more than four hours can take its toll on your eyes. People blink less often when they’re staring at a computer [...]