Your vision changes a lot through your lifetime. It isn’t uncommon for older adults to find reading small text or seeing things up-close difficult. If you are experiencing these things, it’s a sign you need to see your eye doctor. It’s possible that you need reading glasses.
Keep reading to learn more about reading glasses and how to know if you need a new one.
If you are 40 or older, you may notice it’s becoming difficult to read small print or see nearby object. It happens because the lens in your eye becomes less flexible as you age. If this is the case, schedule an appointment with your optometrist because you may require reading glasses. Your eye doctor will examine your eyes and prescribe the ideal lenses for you. Eye strain, headaches and difficulty seeing in low light are other signs you need reading glasses.
Reading glasses help with close-up tasks like reading or using a computer. They work by bending the light that enters your eye to make objects appear closer and more clearly. This eyewear can alleviate eyestrain, headaches, and other symptoms of poor vision. If you wear contacts or glasses for distance vision, you will benefit from prescription reading glasses. They can give you the best of both worlds by providing clear eyesight for both near and far objects.
Whether you need new eyeglasses or contact lenses, Vienna Eyecare Center is here to help. We are always ready to help with your vision correction needs. Our experts treat common vision problems, including astigmatism, farsightedness, nearsightedness and presbyopia. Call us at (703) 938-7633, or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving patients in Vienna, Reston and McLean, VA, and nearby communities.
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