The reason you’re tearing up may be as simple as a foreign particle getting stuck in your eye. When a speck of dirt, dust or an eyelash touches your eye, [...]
Contact lenses are one of the most safe and effective ways to manage refractive errors. However, many people who wear contact lenses don't know about or fully adhere to critical [...]
Astigmatism is one of most common vision problems in the world. It often occurs in conjunction with other vision problems such as myopia or hyperopia. If astigmatism isn’t corrected, both [...]
Contact lenses are a convenient alternative to eyeglasses, which some people consider cumbersome. However, some people complain that their eyes feel dry after extended use of contact lenses. In today’s post, [...]
Getting a sunburn is a common concern during the summer months. When taking precautions to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, don't forget about your eyes! Without proper eyewear, [...]